
Below you can find more info about Saw Kill Watershed topics from organizations working on issues of local importance. Some are “how-to” materials and some are general knowledge materials. We may be developing more localized factsheets as needed. For more general information about the Saw Kill, visit our “About the Watershed” page.

Watershed information posters by SKWC Interim Leadership Team member Karen Scneller-McDonald

State of the Saw Kill Forum, May 10, 2018

International Collaboration on Watershed Protection and Education

Watershed Assessment

Source Water Analysis

Stewardship resources for landowners and residents:

Low Impact Designs (LIDs), Best Management Practices (BMPs), and GIS Mapping Tools

Resources for municipal officials and advocates:

Stream Health and Behavior

Wastewater, Fertilizers, and Nutrient Runoff


Microbes and Antimicrobial Resistance

Dams and Culverts

Climate Change

Animals in the Saw Kill Watershed